March is a slow month for extended RV warranties. Snowbirds are packing up and heading home as the weather starts warming, but the summer travel season is still a few months away. Most people aren’t thinking past getting their taxes done. Many RVers haven’t even un-winterized their travel trailers or motorhomes yet, and RV sales are sluggish nationwide.
Like buying a winter coat in the summertime, though, customers can save money by buying an extended warranty in the off-season. Unlike buying a winter coat, RV Warranty customers don’t have to settle for a limited selection—companies offer the same RV warranty plans year round.
Aside from the potential savings, customers have more opportunity to gather data for an informed decision, and more time to evaluate the company that they choose before they hit the road in earnest.
Save in the Off-Season
During the summer months that make up the busiest RV travel season, warranty companies are swamped with business. Potential customers are calling left and right looking to get quotes and details on coverage.
Some companies feature salespeople as a point of contact for current customers, which adds convenience to coverage but means that those salespeople will be busy assisting current claims and questions.
The RV Industry is also growing. For over a decade, more and more people are buying into the RV lifestyle, meaning that RV warranty companies are busier with each passing year.
The result: salespeople have less incentive to offer discounts or try to beat competitors. Even honest, caring salespeople struggle to keep up with the call volume during the busy season. Instead of spending an hour answering questions for one customer, they could instead reach out to several potential customers who might be more ready to buy.
Because RV warranty sales stagnate in March, salespeople have fewer opportunities to close a sale than during the busy season. Salespeople know that demand is lower. To make the sale, they might look for discounted rates or match a competitor’s price.
Some companies may even allow you to set your coverage to start on a later date. You can lock in better pricing ahead of time and still control your coverage dates.
Get More Attention From Your Salesperson
March is a more relaxed time in most RV warranty offices, as both sales and claims are slow. Warranty salespeople have time to answer questions and walk you through the ins and outs of coverage.
RV extended warranties are complex, sometimes controversial products, and customers who understand the nature and details of their coverage report higher satisfaction with the product. A good RV warranty salesperson will explain what is covered, what isn’t, and why.
Effective salespeople will also explain how to use the warranty and answer general questions about RV repair and maintenance. If you’re new to RVing, some of this information will be valuable even if you don’t end up purchasing a warranty. Hopefully you’ll never have an issue, but because most RVs suffer a mechanical failure within five years of use, it’s likely that you’ll put your knowledge to use.
Test Your Warranty Before the Big Trip
An RV is a major purchase, and a warranty is a significant investment in that purchase. It makes sense to test-drive an RV before purchase, so why not test your warranty?
Unfortunately, many Rvers wait until right before a road trip to purchase warranty coverage. This doesn’t leave them time to get to know their coverage and possibly see it in action before they have to use it.
By purchasing a few months before summer, Rvers can make sure to have their inspection done or to finish their waiting period before they hit the road. This ensures that their coverage is effective and that customer and company agree on the condition of the RV and its components.
It’s also easier to have an inspection during the off-season, since RV inspectors have more room in their schedules. Once the RV travel season warms up in late spring, RV service centers and inspectors will be busier, meaning that the whole process will take longer to complete.
For many cautious consumers, however, the most important reason to purchase a few months before traveling is to take advantage of the money-back guarantee phase of the warranty. Reputable companies offer this guarantee for 30 or 60 days after sign-up, which allows RV owners time to vet their company and coverage beyond the sales pitch. By taking a short trip or calling with follow-up questions, customers ensure that they purchased the best rv warranty for their needs.